ISKCON Nairobi

Sri Krsna Vasanta Rasa

ISKCON Mandir - Radha BankeBihari Temple Hare Krishna Temple, West Ngara Rd, Nairobi, Central

Today the Vaisnava Calender marks two auspicious occasions; Sri Krishna Vasanta Rasa (Lord Krishna’s Springtime Rasa-lila), and also Lord Balarama Rasayatra (Balarama’s rasa dance with the gopis of Vrndavan). In honor we post a very nice chapter from Krsna Book entitled “Lord Balarāma Visits Vṛndāvana”. …Lord Balarāma could, of course, understand the ecstatic feelings of […]


Sri Sita Navami Celebration 2023

ISKCON Mandir - Radha BankeBihari Temple Hare Krishna Temple, West Ngara Rd, Nairobi, Central

Sitanavami is the Divine Appearance day of Srimati Sitadevi, the consort of Lord Rama. Sitadevi represents chastity, service attitude, commitment. In Maharishi Valmiki’s own words, Ramayana is known as the noble story of Sita “Sita-ayah Charitam Mahat”. Her glories are sung by the poet-saint Thyagaraja in his “Sri Janakatayane” Oh daughter of Janaka, the blessed […]


ISKCON Mandir - Radha BankeBihari Temple Hare Krishna Temple, West Ngara Rd, Nairobi, Central

Nrisimha-chaturdasi is the divine appearance day of Nrisimhadeva, Lord Krishna’s man-lion incarnation, who removes all obstacles on the path of devotional service out of His great compassion. He appeared to protect Prahlada from his demoniac father Hiranyakashipu. Hiranyakashipu received a special benediction from Lord Brahma that he could not be killed by any human being, demigod, […]



ISKCON Mandir - Radha BankeBihari Temple Hare Krishna Temple, West Ngara Rd, Nairobi, Central

Music is an expression of our state of being. The highest experience of this expression is found in the practice of spirituality. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) invites you to an expression of one of the oldest forms of spirituality. Vedic Spirituality. Come experience a blissful experience involving two of the most intricate […]



ISKCON Mandir - Radha BankeBihari Temple Hare Krishna Temple, West Ngara Rd, Nairobi, Central

Right to left: Lord Jagannatha, Subhadra Devi, and Lord Baladeva Ratha-yatra, or the Festival of Chariots, is a joyous event celebrated for thousands of years in the Indian holy city of Jagannatha Puri, and more recently by Hare Krishna devotees in cities around the world. Another name for Krishna, Jagannatha refers to the ecstatic form […]


ISKCON Mandir - Radha BankeBihari Temple Hare Krishna Temple, West Ngara Rd, Nairobi, Central

Purushottama, the holy month, occurs once every three years - a period believed to be the most favorable for spiritual upliftment. It is also called mala masa (dirty month) by the performers of karma-kanda because they cannot get any material fruitive results from their worship during this month. Our acaryas elucidate that it is called […]

H.H. GOPAL KRISHNA GOSWAMI VYASA PUJA – Appearance day of H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj

ISKCON Mandir - Radha BankeBihari Temple Hare Krishna Temple, West Ngara Rd, Nairobi, Central

His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja appeared on this planet on the most auspicious day of Annada Ekadashi, on August 14, 1944, in New Delhi, India. Having named as Gopal Krishna at the time of his appearance, his spiritual master did not change his name at the time of harinama initiation. 


ISKCON Mandir - Radha BankeBihari Temple Hare Krishna Temple, West Ngara Rd, Nairobi, Central

This festival honours a pastime of Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani’s eternal love. This sweet pastime is of Them swinging on a beautifully decorated swing during the rainy season in Vrindavana. The festival, which takes place over several days, is celebrated by devotees having the opportunity to personally swing Radha-Krishna Deities along with Their glorification […]

BALARAMA PURNIMA- The Appearance day of Lord Balarama

ISKCON Mandir - Radha BankeBihari Temple Hare Krishna Temple, West Ngara Rd, Nairobi, Central

The auspicious appearance day of Lord Balarama, the elder brother of Lord Sri Krishna, is celebrated on the full-moon day of Shravana (August). Lord Balarama appeared as the son of Rohini and Vasudeva. He is also known as Baladeva and Sankarshana. He gives us the required spiritual strength to cross over the hurdles in our […]